Conversazioni sull’Arte

Or better still, how to cope with the economic and mental crisis using creativity.
The “Conversazioni sull’Arte” are basically conversations between adults who desire to learn how to talk about Art to children! These interactive meetings are based on specific topics and my methods, my skills and my strategies are the starting point of a “Conversazione”, since I usually share my technique, my expertise and my projects. I also listen to others’ experience, because dialogue is the reason why we improve with more efficacy. There are different levels, depending on the participants’ knowledge.
Professionals (teachers, librarians, animators, operators, communicators); organisations (museums, schools, cooperatives, associations); parents, inquiring people, enthusiasts or skeptics.
I simply start from the bottom! Given that children are the end users of our educational action, I assume that adults might build a spontaneus approach to Art. To do that, they should be efficient and effective: in other words, they should be experts and know the subject and, at the same time, they shouldn’t forget the basic rules of communication, because their message must be understood by children. It’s essential, for instance, to have the ability to manage space and time during a laboratory, taking account of the topic, the objective and the target audience age. To summarise, adults are asked to speak the language of children.
I believe it’s crucial:
1) to create educational paths depending on the age;
2) to choose the right topic;
3) to collect a thorough documentation;
4) to prepare several recreational tools;
5) to create a cheerful atmosphere.
The Conversazioni are offered only in Italian at the moment. Please contact me for more details.